News and What's New
On The Site 2012

It is intended to use this page to keep you updated on what's going on, what past squadron members have been located and, what has been added or changed since your last visit.

The Site is searching for 4050th APS, 814th APS/CDS/SPS and 99th SPS Patches. If you, or some one you know, are/is willing to sell and or donate a 4050th APS, a 814th APS/CDS/SPS or a 99th SPS patch please contact the Site Webmaster: [here]

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Archived 2010 entries can be found [Here]
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Archived 2012 entries can be found [Here]

"what's new in 2013."

October, 2013

September, 2013

*September 5, 2013

Richard A. Conforti - 4050th APS - 814th APS April 1955 - December 1958. Richard has been added to the list of former APS(s) serving Westover.

January, 2013

*January 17, 2013

John F. Sinica - 99th SPS October 1972 - July 1974. John will be added to the list of former CDS / SPS serving Westover.

*January 22, 2013

David L. Hechler - 99th SPS December 1970 - March 1971. David will be added to the list of former CDS / SPS serving Westover.

February, 2013

*February 14, 2013

D.Jenco - 814th CDS January 1966 - January 2, 1968
99th SPS January 2 - May 1972. D. Jenco will be added to the list of former CDS / SPS serving Westover.
If anyone knows this Gentleman please inform him that we need his full name and a proper email address.